

How to Stack Cigars in a Humidor

Your cigars are an investment. Storing and caring for them properly is necessary to insure they are in perfect shape whenever the right occasions pop up to smoke them. If you have been fretting over how to arrange the smokes in your humidor, here are a few helpful hints and answers to some common questions.

Can You Mix Different Cigars in a Humidor?

Mixing different cigars in a humidor is completely acceptable. Some cigar lovers prefer to keep stronger cigars separate from milder brands. It is a matter of personal preference. Cigars are like sponges. They absorb the taste and aroma of what is near them. When different cigars are stored together in a humidor, they naturally tend to exchange flavour profiles, especially if they are stored for a long period of time. If your humidor includes a tray or an interior divider, you can always separate different brands with a barrier. Or, you can organize your cigars according to their wrapper varietal or country of origin.

Never Store Flavoured Cigars in Your Humidor

Unless you exclusively smoke flavoured cigars, never store flavoured cigars in your humidor. It is best to keep any and all flavoured cigars separate from your non-flavoured brands. It is because flavoured cigars are infused with oils that are not natural to the tobaccos they are made from, their flavours can overwhelm the environment they are kept in. Storing a single flavoured cigar in a humidor, even for a very short period of time, can cause all of your other cigars to taste like they have been flavoured. In turn, your humidor and humidification unit will absorb and pass the flavoured taste onto any cigars you store in the future. Isolate flavoured cigars in a zip lock bag with a humidity pouch.

Cellophane or No Cellophane?

Generally speaking, it is best to take the cellophane off – at least if you plan to age your cigars for a while. The natural bouquet of flavour and aroma premium cigars emit evolves over time. Removing the cellophane encourages the exchange of oils between cigars and the aging process. The one exception to removing the cellophane is if you plan to travel with your cigars or transport them. In that case, it is best to leave the cellophane to protect the wrapper.

Rotate Your Cigars

Regardless of how you stack your cigars, rotate them every week or two. It is not ideal for the same cigars to always sit closest to your humidification source. Move the cigars from the bottom rows to the top and vice versa on a semi-regular basis.

Leave Some Extra Space in Your Humidor

Whatever type of humidor you use, you should always leave at least 20 - 25% of the space in your humidor free. This gives the air and humidity a better opportunity to circulate.


