Caribbean Passion meets Swiss Precision

Davidoff Cigars

Davidoff is a world-class luxury cigar brand specialising in high quality and sophisticated, premium cigars, pipe tobacco and cigar accessories. Offering an exquisite range of blends from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Ecuador, Brazil, and Honduras, which are handcrafted by experts with a passion to deliver a level of sophistication and refinement that allows each and every aficionado to fill time beautifully.


From seed to cigar, every ingredient has been singled out for special treatment. Making sure each blend is masterfully blended just for you.

Beyond the Ordinary

Davidoff Black Band

Through the day into the night

Davidoff Winston Churchill

Experience the Refined

Exclusives & Limited

Davidoff White Band

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The originals of the cigar world. A timeless and one of the all time favourite blends of cigar aficionados. The mild Signature blend promises smooth and elegant aromas with a characteristically clean and creamy finish.


Grand Cru

Total sophistication. The Grand Cru series brings you a depth and character second to none, delivering a layered and an enchanting mild to medium-bodied experience emitting a refined and woody aroma.



Among the many Davidoff series, the "Aniversario series", which is one of the finest, was announced in commemoration of the birth of the founder "Zino Davidoff". A series that celebrates life, an unconventional harmony of exquisite aromas and irresistible aftertastes for those special occasions.



Characteristic with a taste experience that offers a moment in time that exists for an eternity. Beautifully wrapped in a dark brown wrapper, encasing slightly higher percentage of Piloto tobacco giving the blend a bolder, fuller flavour and accentuates the chocolaty notes of this refined and intense series.


White Band

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