Davidoff has collaborated with the renowned British pop art artist Boyarde Messenger, who transformed and elevated the five magnificent premium Dome humidors into exclusive and luxurious art pieces. This collaboration is a celebration of both Davidoff and Boyarde's shared love of art and their matching values of dedication to craftsmanship and artistry.


为了让高品质的雪茄保湿盒长期耐用,博雅德为每一步艺术创作付出了巨大的努力。她用特殊的砂纸和底漆抛制每一个表面,以达到某种特殊的纹理,使油漆能附着在木头上。在此之后,博雅德花费五个月的时间,在表面涂绘图案,总共涂了40层油漆确保其图案的牢固度。并使用40多种不同的刷子,笔尖细到三分之一毫米,以达至博雅德严谨的手工艺要求。博雅德 · 梅森格称:「我们必须选择合适的茂密丛林色调来衬托这哑光玫瑰木的华丽色彩,这样整个作品才能散发出低调的自信,与豹子的坚韧和优雅相配合。」

本能–灵动优雅之美 香港限定版

Introducing the Hong Kong Exclusive Boyarde Masterpiece Humidor - INSTINCTIVELY, it was inspired by Boyarde’s time in Belize and the never-ending twists and turns in the heart of the jungle.

This humidor displays the artist’s signature-painted leopard in all its stealth and grace. For the viewer, the luscious canopy of green leaves and geometrics offers a place to escape the now while feeling the present.

Format: Dome Humidor
Exterior Wood: Rosewood with satin matte finish
Interior Wood: Varnished okoume
Capacity: 50 - 60 cigars
Features: 1 Davidoff de Luxe regulator humidification system & 1 removable tray
Dimensions: 45.2 x 26.2 x 16 cm

Handmade in France


大卫杜夫精心制作了 50 支独一无二的雪茄,以全方位地突显这款精致的雪茄保湿盒的与众不同。

这些独一无二的雪茄经过 10 年的陈年,在口感体验上体现了同样动态优雅的设计,甘草、奶油和可可的味道不断变化,让人回味无穷,与雪茄保湿盒上的精美艺术作品相辅相成。

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