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4 easy tips to step up your connoisseurship of cigar

4 easy tips to step up your connoisseurship of cigar

Do you remember your last cigar? Can you elaborate on its aroma? Cigars are getting more common among gents and ladies, but do you have the aesthetic taste of the cigar? We have 4 easy tips for novices and aficionados to improve your critical sensibility. Read on to smoke like a pro!

1. Explore a wide range of cigars

Just like art, you need to see enough to know what is good. Explore cigars with an open attitude, whether from Cuba or New World, cigars or cigarillos. You will deepen the basic knowledge of cigars, for example, their origins, wrapper colour and size. And how the aroma and flavour vary between these elements.

If you have a favourite brand in mind, you can explore the story of each series produced by that brand. Usually, they will provide the story behind and the blending information of each cigar. This could help you understand the craftsmanship and the inspiration behind the smoke you are holding. It allows you to choose the perfect cigar and the perfect pairing.

2. Use an aroma wheel

The aroma wheel is a must-have for every cigar aficionado. You can easily find this online or with your local merchants. Every brand has its unique aroma wheel. But the principles of each are identical; identifying cigars’ aroma by defining them into several main groups. Which typically are wood, spice, nuts, fruits etc.

Bring an aroma wheel when you enjoy the cigar, and write down the different aromas you taste with the transaction of foot, body and head. With no time, you could easily describe a cigar like a pro!

3. Create your cigar journal

After you gather all the knowledge and information on your cigars, how about jotting them down? Record your enjoyable cigar, and find out their common characteristics, perhaps they are all Maduro, or maybe they are from the same country. Then you can quickly discover your next favourite cigar!

4. Join cigar-tasting events or cigar group

Some prefer to enjoy cigars alone. However, there isn’t a downside to enjoying them with a group of aficionados sometimes! Different brands hold cigar-tasting events regularly. They would introduce the cigars in detail and provide various beverages allowing you to enjoy the perfect tasting experience. Meanwhile, cigar experts would be there to answer all your questions thoroughly.

Not ready for fancy events? You could join a local cigar group. Remember to bring a few sticks to explore new smoke with your buddies. We all taste the same cigar differently, and discussing the smoke together might bring up new inspirations.

Or you can taste a cigar in your beloved cigar lounge and chat with the staff! Sure they have a strong passion and experience in cigars. They could recommend cigars according to your shopping history.

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