Davidoff Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111
Davidoff Cigars proudly introduces the Davidoff Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years, a groundbreaking cigar that showcases the pinnacle of age and luxury.
Crafted with the finest and most aged tobaccos, including a unique leaf from a discontinued terroir, this Dominican puro boasts a combined age of 111 years. Only Davidoff’s most experienced master rollers and blenders are entrusted with creating this masterpiece, ensuring that it meets the highest standards of quality and taste. The Oro Blanco is a true collector's item and a testament to Davidoff's commitment to excellence.
The Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years is one pure Puro.
One remarkable blend of tobaccos born of five different terroirs from the valley of Santiago to the mountainous regions of Bonao, all imparting their own unique flavours.
The Davidoff Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years is a meticulously crafted blend of Dominican tobaccos, sourced from five distinct terroirs. Each terroir offers unique growing conditions, resulting in tobaccos with distinct flavour profiles. Notably, one of the terroirs used in this blend is no longer cultivated by Davidoff, making the Oro Blanco even more exclusive.
This exceptional cigar showcases a blend of tobaccos aged for an impressive 111 years. The binder and filler tobaccos were carefully selected from Davidoff's extensive inventory, each with a minimum age of 17 to 20 years. The cigars are released only when the Master Blenders deem them ready, ensuring a truly exceptional smoking experience.
The Davidoff Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years is crafted by master rollers with at least 20 years of experience. These skilled artisans employ the "pegada directa" method, a complex rolling technique that requires precision and expertise. The attention to detail and craftsmanship evident in every Oro Blanco cigar guarantees a truly satisfying smoking experience.
Taste Experience
One moment in time when time itself will seem richer than usual. One moment destined to be beautifully filled with a quality never encountered before.
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Opening with a delightful blend of caramel and wood, showcasing the perfect balance of well-aged tobaccos. Subtle citrus notes add a touch of brightness, while a creamy texture rounds out the flavours.
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As the cigar progresses, it reveals a fruity character, complemented by notes of leather and roasted nuts. The creamy texture remains a constant, enhancing the overall smoking experience.
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The finale offers a lingering sweetness paired with dark chocolate, while hints of dried fruit persist. This full-bodied cigar is a dynamic masterpiece, constantly evolving with each puff.
One Rare
Fine aged Cognac
The Davidoff Oro Blanco Special Reserve 111 Years is a masterpiece of aged tobacco, offering a deep, balanced, and creamy flavour profile reminiscent of a fine cognac or armagnac. This beautiful marriage has its ability to deliver a complex and engaging smoking experience without overwhelming the palate.
One Pure
Black Ivory Coffee / Da Hong Pao Tea
As a Dominican puro, the Oro Blanco pairs perfectly with beverages that share its characteristics of origin, age, and rarity. Black Ivory coffee, known for its unique flavour profile, and Da Hong Pao tea, a rare and ancient variety, offer a harmonious complement to the cigar's rich and complex taste.