What do you look for in a cigar? What attracts you?

When do you enjoy smoking the most?
I always go with occasions when it comes to cigar enjoyment. To me, key is to pick a right cigar for the right occasion. i.e., a cigar that has refreshing elements to open the night with cocktail and good friends, or a rich and complex cigar to finish the night with whisky by yourself.
What makes Davidoff stand out among New World cigars?
Good quality is always the impression that Davidoff has from cigar aficionados. To me, quality is driven by our pursuit and persistence in the ‘Crop to Shop’ philosophy, which we have been doing for more than 50 years.
Davidoff Dominican Republic Aging barn (Source: Davidoff of Geneva)
In addition, at Davidoff, we take 50% extra on growing process and time to make sure our tobacco leaves have the best and consistent quality. As a result, you will enjoy the same quality and taste, no matter where and when you pick up a Davidoff cigar across the world.
Davidoff Dominican Republic Tobacco Fields (Source: Davidoff of Geneva)